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    they stole 1,500 euros

    We rented a car from Verona airport Italy 7-26\08\24 with full insurance trough Carflexi, we got the car from Maggiore car rental and we were charged 1,500 euros more the what we were told in the agreement!!! We have the rental document stating the correct amount, including the full insurance payment and they still over charged us 1,500 euros more, not only did this ruin the end of our trip, they didn't respond to our demands of a refund, they ignore us, making us waist our time dealing with this nonsense and we feel like we were robbed in broad daylight! I DO NOT RECOMMENT THIS COMPANY TO ANYONE who wants an enjoyable end of trip. Hopefully we will get our 1,500 euros back, and a normal response as you would expect from a known rental company.
    What a disgrace, they literally stole from our credit card 1,500 euros MORE when the whole rental deal was 636.28 euros.
    Avishay Avdar.


    they stole 1,500 euros from my credit card and are no even responding.


    If there was a minus 100 star I would use it.

    Shocking that the car rental company at Brussels-Zaventem Airport (Alamo) could not pick up that we had paid a deposit, could not pick up what car we had requested (SUV/VW T-Cross or similar and wanted to give us a Mini Cooper; and we had 4 bags!) and did not seem to understand that we had chosen all the insurance and all we had to pay "at the desk' was an amount of Euro 636.08 but we landed up paying Euro 1101.56 overall. The gentleman manning the Alamo desk was rude, dismissive, and told us that he could not actually "see" our booking, which is ridiculous. Can you imagine if Trivago/Booking dot com/Agoda/Vrbo etc were not connected to Nightsbridge and the establishments they work with, they would not be able to see if a client has booked when they come to check in. We also "extended" our car hire with the company at Brussels-Zaventem Airport; yet on the original return date we received a notice from Carflexi saying we have to return our car.
    And there you have it, the systems do not work in conjunction with each other.
    Obviously they will come back with a response...BUT.

    I will give kudos to the gentleman at Enterprise Rent a Car who received our car when we returned it. Courteous and friendly.

    Date of experience: February 12, 2024



    Never again with carflexi

    Serious, I have waiting since sommer 2022 for get my money. I paid for car for 7 pers. And I get a car for 5 for a family with 7 members.I had to pay a lot of money for an extra car in a high season.They don't answer the phone, it takes months, they answer a mail... rent a car direct, don't use carflexi, It isn't worth me

    Can’t trust them.

    We couldn’t use the car rental service. Since what was mentioned in the carflexi coupon is completely different from facts. For eg in one coupon you mentioned pay deposit of 15000 rubles. The local guy insisted exact double in Moscow and at Petersburg. Moreover, they said they will pay back cash after 30 days which was an impractical situation. Our trip got messed up because of this. Requested refund of the upfront carflexi had taken as its commission but no response.

    We can’t trust their local partners in Russia. Other countries I have t experienced. They don’t respond to your complaints or concerns. Looks like money once paid, they don’t care.


    I really thought I had done my research for an upcoming holiday to NZ for 2 weeks. Car rentals were going to be expensive but an amazing deal came up for a Lexus SUV hybrid for a similar price to other smaller cars I had been looking at. I thought it was because it had been a last minute booking. Oh NOOOOO!!!
    I should have done my research! Don’t trust the Trust pilot reviews!! Trust the TripAdvisor and the ones on this website. Was scammed out of extra insurance cover which seemed to cover nothing extra as the hirer did not recognise it! And when we arrived there was only a teeny tiny Toyota Corolla hatch available for us to use! My voucher apparently only covered a compact hybrid so it seems clear that the hire companies are not given the same information that we are imparted! My impression of the booking was that of a luxury European SUV!! Big difference in comfort and size! We had arrived as a family with all our luggage and had to fork out 600 dollars extra plus insurance to get any kind of SUV. TOTAL RIPOFF

    Seemed too good to be true

    It was a big fat lie!!!


    I really thought I had done my research for an upcoming holiday to NZ for 2 weeks. Car rentals were going to be expensive but an amazing deal came up for a Lexus SUV hybrid for a similar price to other smaller cars I had been looking at. I thought it was because it had been a last minute booking. Oh NOOOOO!!!
    I should have done my research! Don’t trust the Trustpilot reviews!! Trust the Tripadvisor and the website reviews. Was scammed out of extra insurance cover which seemed to cover nothing extra as the hirer didn’t recognise it! And when we arrived there was only a teeny tiny Toyota Corolla hatch available for us to use! My voucher apparently only covered a “compact hybrid” when my impression of the booking was of a compact SUV!! Big difference in size! We had arrived as a family with all our luggage and had to fork out 600 dollars extra plus insurance to get an SUV. TOTAL RIPOFF

    Seemed too good to be true

    It was a big fat lie!!!

    Worst experience

    I should have read the reviews before booking - I paid the deposit and when I arrived there was no cars in the car rental company. |Despite this, and in fairness the car company didn't charge us, Carflexi refused to refund the deposit - so I paid a deposit for a non existent car - apparently I was 10 min late - rubbish - I have never experienced this before - I will avoid this crowd of scammers in the future


    Sharp practice - the deposit seems to have been their fee so once you book they don't care after that - will use whatever small print or twisted logic - at the end of the day

    Worth car rent experience ever

    1. CarFlexi is virtual operator and works thru partners. Partner don't have information what you really ordered, or Car Flexi order from them car which have lower class neither customers really order. 2. If you order insurance and other additional options from them, partners don't accept such orders and you will be forced pay deposit for the car up to 2000 EUR or purchase insurance again. Take in account that you will not be able to cancel CarFlexi purchased insurance. 3. Better to research and find what car rental operators really represented in country you plan to visit and rent from them. You will get the same price and will not pay twice for insurance.



    A bad service story

    A story about how bad service would look like...
    I rented two 9 seater cars.When I arrived to pick them up they told me I can not because they are both on the same name and only CarFlexy representative can change the name. I tried to call them many times to change the name but there was no answer and the Sicily representative didnt want to help. I wasted a lot of time at the rental service center and got only one car and had to rent another one from a different agancy! Plus_ the car I got was poorly maintained: broken ventilation tunnels_ inoperative reverse camera_ inoperative bluetooth connection and a dirty car! I am very disapointed of the service I recieved!!
    But this was not the end of it... I was charged for the deposite for the car I did not take, and when I e-mailed CarFlexy- they told me this is their policy. I was expecting a full refund for the car I didnt pick up and maybe some explainations regarding the poor car condition and the bad service... but since that one reaction- nobody got back to me for weeks until now although I wrote several additional e-mails. Over the phone it is impossible to reach them...

    Bottom line: if everything goes as planned- the cheap prise is nice... but when you need service... well, don't even try.

    Very disapointing!.

    Service not available

    SCAM is het slechtste autoverhuurbedrijf dat ik ooit heb meegemaakt. Aangekomen in tanger stond de auto op tijd klaar en maakte wij een ronde om de auto, deze had zeer veel beschadigingen en zelf in de voorruit zaten diverse putjes. Ik was bang dat dit erger zou worden. Hij garandeerde van niets. De tank van de auto was leeg en deze heb ik direct gevuld. Onderweg van Tanger naar Tetouan merkte ik dat er iets niet goed was met de banden maar wist niet wat. Op de berg in een bocht waarbij niet harder dan 40 reed kwam ik erachter. Wij raakte in een slippartij, de achterste banden gingen alle kanten op. Wij vielen bijna van een ravijn. Gelukkig heb ik de auto onder bedwang weten te houden, maar dit was de meeste angstigste moment in mijn leven. We reden door en stopte trillend bij de eerst volgende stop gelegenheid. Ik belde met Abdelrahman die mij de auto heeft verhuurd en deze nam mij niet serieus. De auto had volgens hem net een serviceberry gehad en er was niets mis mee. Ik werd kwaad en vroeg hem of hij denkt staniol lieg. Hij zou zelf ook vaak genoeg slippen op wegen dat was volgens hem normaal in Marokko. In tetouan aangekomen ben ik langs een garage gereden en deze gaf aan dat de banden vervangen moeten worden er zat nauwelijks ma nog profiel op. Ik heb de service lijn gebeld van Carflexi en deze namen mij iets serieuzer. Er werd de volgende dag een andere auto gebracht, het was dezelfde maar nieuwer. De banden hadden profiel. De angst zat er bij mij zodanig in dat ik mijn tweedaagse reisje naar fes heb geannuleerd. Ik durfde niet meer in de bergen te rijden. In tetouan durfde ik wel te rijden maar niet daarbuiten. Bij het afgeven van de auto vroeg ik om compensatie. Volgens Abdelrahman was er niets mis met de eerste auto deze werd volgens hem dezelfde dag weer verhuurd aan iemand anders. Ik werd boos en gaf aan dat de garage ook aangaf dat de banden versleten waren. Hij zei dat dit niet klopt en dat het normaal is om te slippen op de Marokkaanse wegen. Ik heb nog nooit zo een slechte service meegemaakt. Het was toch allemaal goed gegaan er was toch geen ongeluk gebeurd. Ik zal nooit van mijn leven meer bij hen huren.


    Cons is the worst car rental company I have ever experienced. Arriving in Tangier, the car was ready on time and we made a round around the car, it had a lot of damage and there were several pits in the windshield. I was afraid this would get worse. He guaranteed nothing. The tank of the car was empty and I filled it immediately. On my way from Tangier to Tetouan I noticed something was wrong with the tires but I didn't know what. On the mountain in a bend where I drove no faster than 40 I found out. We got into a skid, the rear tires went in all directions. We almost fell off a ravine. Fortunately I managed to control the car, but this was the most fearful moment of my life. We drove on and stopped trembling at the next stop. I called Abdelrahman who rented me the car and he didn't take me seriously. According to him, the car had just had a serviceberry and there was nothing wrong with it. I got angry and asked him if he thinks staniol is lying. He would also often enough slip on roads, according to him that was normal in Morocco. Arrived in Tetouan I passed a garage and it indicated that the tires need to be replaced, there was hardly any profile on it. I called the service line of Carflexi and they took me a little more seriously. Another car was brought the next day, it was the same but newer. The tires had tread. I was so scared that I canceled my two-day trip to fes. I no longer dared to drive in the mountains. I dared to drive in Tetouan, but not outside it. When I handed over the car I asked for compensation. According to Abdelrahman, there was nothing wrong with the first car, it was rented out to someone else the same day. I became angry and indicated that the garage also indicated that the tires were worn. He said that this is not true and that it is normal to skid on Moroccan roads. I have never experienced such bad service. Everything had gone well, no accident had happened. I will never rent from them again in my life.

    Incompetent Scammers-Be Aware!

    Made a deposit for an automatic in St Marteen. When I got there they didn't have the car that I reserved and try to give me a small manual piece of junk! I asked the guy to refund me my money, but that of course didn't happen otherwise I wouldn't be starting this! - Let the games begin!

    After writing and complaining to car flexi, they told me that I would need to be patient until they hear back from the location, who wouldn't respond back and 2 months later I get an email saying this: (lying Scammers

    Thank you for your patience on your matter.

    AUTOUNION sincerely apologizes for their late reply and any inconvenience caused to you.

    As being advised by their rental branch the great majority of their fleet in Saint Martin is automatic vehicles.

    In addition to that they do not have smaller manual vehicles than the category booked.

    Consequently it is highly unlikely that you had been offered a smaller manual vehicle.

    Regrettably the online payment cannot be refunded in this case.
    Kind Regards
    Tati O.
    Customer service Team

    Absolutely Nothing!

    See my review!

    Impossible to get insurance refund (Insurance fraud) and 0-level customer support

    Booked a car in Montenegro in July 2021 (voucher CF5DC0B2)
    The car was damaged and I paid 500 Euros to the car rental company (carflexi partner)
    I paid the insurance fee to carflexi so this 500 Euros should be refunded. Sent all documents and evidence to them but [email protected] has been silent for almost 3 weeks. No reaction from customer service and no refund. Looks like insurance fraud.


    Insurance fraud
    0 customer service

    Money return

    This company took money from my account without reason !!! And they don�t reply to my email! They have no phone to contact! What company are u ? They didn�t accept my documents and in a same time they took a money from my card ! Cheating company!

    Nothing !


    Carflexi attempt of murder

    I rented a car through website but I also phoned to explain that i will arrive at Lisbon Airport at 00.30, they told me no problem everything is fine. When I arrived no car no more answers at the phone i was left alone at The airport in Plein pandemic time. I have to spend 100 euro of taxi and everything goes off. I was left alone in the middle of the night in a desert terminal during full pandemic Time. i will Report carflexi for attempt to murder.


    They're assassins

    Complete Fraud

    This is the WORST experience ever in renting a car. I agreed to a contact with CarFlexi because they said that Third Party coverage was included in the price. That was a complete lie. It cost me over $510 US more to rent a car for three weeks than was quoted by CarFlexi. I have been emailing some guy named Sergio and all I get is B. Shi. This company is a complete FRAUD. I will never use them again and if anyone has any sense they would never use this company for car rental services. I gave them a 1 because there was no zero or minus sign. Please don't get fooled like I did.


    Everything. This company is a complete Fraud. What they tell you what you have to pay for car rental is just a con. You can’t deal with those people because they lie and twist things around to make it look like you are the one that made the error.

    Fraud in Mexico

    I was led to believe that the price would include all insurance, when I got to Budget they asked for an extra 35$ a day (more then the cost of the rent) for insurance, when I told them all insurance was paid they just kept with the same.
    I ended wasting half a day of my trip to get another car and paying more.
    When I asked for a refund for what they charged me they refuse.
    Will press charges.
    Do not rent from them!!



    Not cheaper and not easier, avoid!

    I had an issue with the car rental company and their availability, when I spoke with Carflexi about changing the booking they didn't advise me that I would need to pay their (carflexi's) full credit charge and excess waiver again if I amended my booking. I am extremely angry about this, as if I had been advised then I would have just booked through the car rental company rather than lose a significant amount of money. Don't bother using this service, will mislead you to get as much money as they can. It's not cheaper than booking directly with a car rent company at all.


    Misleading, not cheaper than booking directly

    Bad experience

    Still waiting for my deposit.
    Booked a car with Alamo via Car Flexi, on our arrival Alamo had no cars available, so we went else where.
    Still waiting to get my deposit back from Car Flexi who said they are waiting for the confirmation from Alamo, when calling Alamo they say its nothing to do with them. and Car Flexi says they are still waiting for Alamo.
    And no one to complain to.


    Just don't use them, and you be better off

    Very Bad !!

    Hello people .Be careful don’t use this CarFlexi to rent Car.They cheating on Price and hidden Fee . I make bad experience with them nBe Careful . I hope help you this information . CF35C3A9-booking number

    Bad .

    Fee and hidden kost .


    Bad company, give not right info, when u call support to be helped they do nothing and are rude


    Our experience with CARFLEXI is terrible, the total sum shown at the end and the sum required buy the car rental is not the same. We had to pay more than we payed when rented for carflexi. Even though we have rented this WINTER TIRES the sicily by car insisted that the cars are not with winter tires and that we should pay more. we were with our baby, so we had to completely change our car and rented more expensive cars, in order to take the car and proceed. it was terrible. the after service is good, but the rental period from carflexi is terrible. we will never rent again.




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